Vulcan 3D Geological Sculpting
Interactive, Powerful, and Easy!


Are you making the most of your geological data?

See it from another perspective.

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What is it?

3D Geological Sculpting gives users ultimate interactive control to modify solids and surfaces in freehand mode by pinching and smoothing to better represent geological interpretation.

Current Challenge

Geological information is collected across sites daily. However updating geological wireframes with that information can take days to months to complete, even when using automated techniques like implicit modelling. So, updating your model in a timely fashion is a challenge, and the decision making process is slowed down across the entire mine.


Vulcan 3D Geological sculpting takes a different approach by modifying solids in freehand or snapping mode to better represent geological interpretation. Geological workflows are improved through pinching, smoothing, cutting and deformation of solids.

3D Geological Sculpting

  • Manipulate triangulations (one or more) interactively by dragging and dropping vertices
  • Drag and move wireframe to change interpretation
  • Easily roll back and redo movements on the fly
  • Add reference points as anchors to match your drilling
  • Apply to surface, solid, or implicit models Validate results on the fly