Mine Operations & Production

Employ the leading mine solutions today and ensure your mine operations and production run uninterrupted tomorrow

The future is unpredictable. Build operational resilience with Maptek mining solutions.

There’s a plan. It’s time to mine it. No matter what the future throws at you, Maptek operations and production solutions can help you continuously improve your operational workflows. Measure, analyse and enhance key activities across your processes by employing past and present data to consistently increase production, efficiency and safety at your mine.

Drill & blast operations and management

Drill and blast activities have a huge impact on downstream mining processes. Maptek solutions give you full control and visibility over your entire open pit and underground blasting operations. Ensure each blast is your best blast.



Get a quick and clear picture on the status of your mine with highly intuitive survey tools. Measure stockpile volumes with ease, update models with new field data, and analyse geotechnical risks that could impact the safety of your operation.

Stability monitoring

Increase ore recovery and safety with sophisticated slope stability monitoring solutions. Continuous and periodic monitoring, backed by high-resolution data, enable you to recover more ore while reducing risks to your personnel, equipment and the environment.


Underground monitoring

Detect movement of your underground workings before it impacts the safety of your operation. Maptek underground monitoring solutions offer continuous or periodic monitoring while operating in harsh underground conditions to help you keep personnel and equipment out of harm’s way.


Design conformance & reconciliation

Identify deviations between your mine design and field actuals in real-time. Avoid costly mistakes before they happen by accurately measuring, quantifying and communicating conformance to design from the blast pattern to the muck pile, and everywhere in between.

Production management

Rapidly identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement across your operation in real-time with today’s leading technology. Manage everything in your production environment — from equipment and personnel to processes and tasks — while reducing your workload.

Improve your mining operations & production workflows today

Getting started is easy, contact us today and we'll help you take your mining operations and production workflows to the next level.