Maptek raises more than $12,000 for Make-A-Wish

Friday, February 5th, 2010

In November 2009, the Denver Maptek office donated more than $12,000 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Colorado.

Employees participated in a “Growvember” contest, which encourages male participants to grow the best beard while raising money.

All of the 66 staff (bearded or not) joined in the fundraising effort, raising more than $7,000 for this worthy cause which grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions.

Sigma Phi Epsilon, Colorado Alpha in Boulder, Colorado, raised money as well, collecting and donating $266 to the foundation.

Mining Engineer, Chuck Winters, winner of the contest, chose Make-A-Wish to receive Maptek’s additional donation of $5,000, bringing the grand total to $12,300.

With the money raised, Maptek sponsored Drew, a 9 year-old-boy with multiple sclerosis, who will have a “Reptile Experience” with his family in Florida or Washington DC; and 3-year-old Gracie, with a Wilm’s Tumor, who will visit Disneyworld with her family in April. Gracie wishes to “see where all of the princesses live and go on train rides and merry-go-rounds”.

Other Maptek offices also got involved, with Australian operations raising $7,000 for their “Movember” cause in support of prostate cancer and mental health research.

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