Maptek PointStudio

Inter-Ramp Compliance Reporting

An add-on for PointStudio and PointModeller

Inter-ramp compliance reporting supports safe, efficient mining.

Mine operations now have an easy to use tool that allows them to ensure as-builts are conforming to designed wall angles and bench widths for maximising safety.

Accurate designs for catch bench width, inter-ramp slope angle and overall bench slope angle are required for successful safe excavation and economic optimisation of a highwall.

Inter-Ramp Compliance reporting highlights how well wall angles and catch bench widths comply with user-defined tolerances

This helps operations to determine if benches further down need to be excavated at a different angle, or catch bench width parameters need to be adjusted for safe, economical mining.

The reporting tool is easy to use and provides visual feedback to identify, analyse and report compliance. Operations benefit from 3D visual and statistical results, with coloured heatmaps reporting on their defined parameters.



Compliance - Engineering studies comparing as-built to design and ongoing compliance

Decision support - Data to support daily digging requirements for pit supervisors or open cut examiners

Safety - Geotechnical monitoring helps minimise risk to people and machinery

Inter-Ramp Compliance is available as an add-on to PointStudio and PointModeller.