
Stockpile Measurements Case Studies

Accurate stockpile inventory

Laser scanning technology gives a global chemicals and logistics solutions provider auditing and inventory confidence, while reducing wastage and saving time.

Modelling phosphate deposits

Maptek software and hardware solutions are helping the Republic of Nauru Phosphate Corporation to measure and model phosphate deposits on the Pacific Island.

Precision data redefines inventory control

The need for tighter inventory control in challenging market conditions drives greater emphasis on the frequency, accuracy and visibility of reporting practices.

Stockpile success at Hibbing Taconite

The Maptek I-Site laser scanner is used to measure stockpiles at the Hibbing Taconite mine in Minnesota, cutting delivery of results from weeks to days.

Laser scanning for stockpiles

The Maptek laser scanner is quick and easy to operate. The level of data detail leads to improved volume accuracy and the data capture has distinct safety benefits for stockpile surveys.

Interior stockpile management

Adelaide Brighton Cement calls on Maptek to accurately record exterior and interior stockpile volumes. I-Site technology overcomes the challenge of scanning in the dusty environment.

Stockpile topographic survey

Maptek laser scanning technology is being used for calculating stockpile volumes at a gold mine in Mexico.