June 2023 Issue Index
Legacy of long service relationship
Retiring Maptek reseller Norimitsu Mizukoshi leaves a legacy of friendship and enthusiasm for Japanese culture among Australian colleagues.
Maptek reseller, Norimitsu Mizukoshi leaves a legacy of friendship and enthusiasm for Japanese culture among Maptek Australian colleagues as he heads into retirement.
Mizukoshi first became involved with Maptek Vulcan software in 2002, and then established Office Pipi to support Maptek customers in 2006.
He travelled to Sydney in 2013 to participate in technical training ahead of the release of Vulcan 9, and in early 2017 visited the Adelaide office for a laser scanning workshop, including a tour of Hillgrove Resources Kanmantoo Mine where the Maptek Sentry system was monitoring the pit.
Maptek Senior Technical Sales Manager, Steve Sullivan clearly remembers his first visit to Japan to deliver Vulcan block model training to a customer in northern Hokkaido.
‘It was summer and we stayed in a ryokan and slept on tatami mats with rice husk pillows. We dressed for dinner in traditional Japanese garments and footwear and had splendid meals,’ Sullivan recalled.
Sullivan commented that Nori-san’s organisation was always efficient and the schedule performed as planned, sales forecasts were accurate and advice was sage.
Maptek Technical Lead for Stratigraphic Geology, Peter Odins also enjoyed a close cultural and business connection, recalling Nori’s genuine enthusiasm for Maptek and its products.
‘You had the ability to share your enthusiasm with your clients, making it ‘contagious’ – the mark of a great salesperson,’ Odins said.
Describing his involvement with Maptek as a lot of fun, Mizukoshi looks forward to listening to the surf, taking short trips and continuing to study cutting-edge technology.
Nori-san has created a lasting friendship with his Maptek Australian family and we wish him all the best for the future.
Maptek customers will be served by new reseller, Mineria Jp Inc. operated by Geologist and Professional Engineer Michiteru Kai.

From Steve Sullivan
‘You guided me through the complexities of Tokyo and I still marvel at the politeness during the busyness of the rush hour commute.
‘You provided me with my first taste of Japan, which led me to travel with my family on holidays several years later, where we enjoyed the snowy delights of Kyoto in winter.
‘Nori, after more than a decade of working together, I wish you a long and fruitful retirement.’
From Peter Odins
‘Thank you for sharing your love of Japan with me, something which has led me and my family to visit many times since.
‘I hope that I was able to return the favour when you visited Australia all those years ago, when we went for a bushwalk in the chilly Blue Mountains west of Sydney.
‘I wish you all the best in your retirement and look forward to catching up with you in Tokyo sometime for some more spicy chicken wings and cold Asahi beers!’
From Mike Winfield
‘Nori looked after me very well during my Vulcan training at the Mitsui Kushikino gold mine near Kagoshima. Sleeping in traditional Japanese bedding and sampling their food was a memorable experience!
‘One of my lasting memories was being on one of the final planes heading back to Tokyo on the tail of a large typhoon. I looked out to sea before leaving my hotel, and it certainly was the calm before the storm!’